Thank you C.H Evers for our sincere gratitude for using Dayton boots on your incredible journey across Canada. We are a long-time admirer of your dedication and determination, We have been following your adventurous journey closely and am truly inspired by your efforts.
Dayton boots have long been recognized as a symbol of durability, craftsmanship, and timeless style. I couldn't have been more thrilled to see you choose these outstanding boots for your expedition. Whether trekking through rugged terrain, enduring harsh weather conditions, or simply enjoying the beauty of Canada's landscapes, I am confident that Dayton boots have provided you with the ideal combination of comfort, protection, and reliability.

We would like to extend our deepest admiration and gratitude for the dedication and determination it must have taken to walk across Canada. Your feat is nothing short of remarkable, and it is an honor to witness someone pushing the limits and embarking on such an incredible adventure. Your perseverance and resilience have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the hearts of many, including mine.
Once again, thank you for choosing Dayton boots for your journey across Canada. Your actions have not only brought attention to their exceptional quality but also inspired countless individuals to embark on their own personal journeys of exploration and self-discovery.
Please accept our warmest congratulations on your tremendous achievement. I wish you continued success in all your future endeavors.
With deepest gratitude,
Dayton Boots
You can visit C.H Evers site at or purchase his book on Amazon
I am the author – owner of A Road to Walk On, Could you please change the .ca to .com
Thank you Hugh Evers
Hello all, In my teens I had walked across Canada several times wearing my Dayton loggers it was 1954 I was 16 years of age I am now 78! The whole story is at I now own 2 pairs of black beauties, one pair for dress one pair for work… Enjoy your day Hugh Evers